Products by DAObox

DAObox not only provides services for designing, structuring and managing DAOs and legal wrappers but also develops infrastructure products for the industry. Some of our products are still under development, expected to roll out in 2024, so we will be updating this section once any new products are shipped:

Web3wrap: This free-to-use platform (currently in beta) automates the creation of legal wrappers for small DAOs, DAO units within large DAOs (e.g., committees or sub-DAOs), and multi-sig wallets. Within minutes (as fast as 10!), you can secure your organization's legal and financial shield, allowing you to operate with confidence.

The tool enables the creation of legal wrappers in the form of Guernsey purpose trusts. These wrappers serve not only as a means of achieving legal, financial, and tax protection but also as a "container" or "vault" for DAOs or collectives to store their property (IR, code, trademarks, etc.) or funds (crypto, fiat), ensuring these assets are legally structured, protected, and managed.

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